
About The Author: Lauren T. Hart

Lauren T. Hart - Fall 2009

 Hello my Lovely Lovelies! I’m Lauren and here’s some stuff about me:

I’m a writer. It’s what I do. I love to learn, to laugh, to read, and to write. I also love to lounge about with friends and family and music. I love words and artistry and intangible magic. I think a lot — it’s one of my favorite pastimes. I have nerdish tendencies, I'm prone to repeating myself, and I loathe taking things too seriously.

I was born and then raised throughout the mountainous desert state of Utah, located in the western part of the USA. I live, work, and play there still. Life — and family — is ever changing; so in an effort to not to leave anyone out, I’ll just say: I am lucky enough to have a life that includes Love, friends, family, kidlets, littles, and fur babies. 

Some of my other interests right now include: grammar, language, the human condition, creativity and the creative process, science fiction as well as science fact, the supernatural and all sorts of unexplained phenomenon, animals, art, culture, love, the pursuit of happiness, and the interrelatedness of all things. 

I love stories. Always have. It was this enduring love of story-telling and the creative process led me to the entertainment industry where I worked as a writer,  consultant, director, actor, voice actor, and producer. Over the years I utilized these talents in a wide variety of genres and industries worldwide for short-film, corporate, commercial, and industrial pieces. Among them, I co-wrote and directed a live-action adaptation of The Night Before Christmas. 

I still dabble, but writing and storytelling is my happy place. So I shifted from moving pictures to mental pictures and in 2016 myself and two others founded the publishing company MmHmm Books. Here, my primary duties include: writing, mentoring, reading, editing, design, and publishing.

If there's more you'd like to know about me, message me and let's chat!

Until then I wish you well!

Happy Reading!

You can find me online at these exotic locations: 

    (soon - it was lost in the great 2021 deletion debacle) (fan page) (just me)

    (It's mostly pictures of dogs. You're welcome)